Is the Way We Organise Church Outdated?

It is generally recognised that a lot of churches worldwide have lost a lot of followers, and some have had to close completely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reduced church attendance has meant that affected pastors are choosing to get a second part time job to make ends meet..…………….

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As we probably all know, the number of people committing suicide each year continues to rise. In the United States suicide is the second leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 34, and the fourth leading cause of death for those 35 to 44.…………….

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The Success of the Christian Church

There is a slow abandonment of many Christian denominations, both in New Zealand and other countries like the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. But before we say, ‘Whatever’ and tune out, let us look at what is happening – because there are some interesting changes currently taking place…………

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Being Rich

From a Christian point of view there are two types of riches. Earthly riches and Heavenly riches. When we think of earthly riches we usually think of the expensive house in the exclusive neighbourhood………..

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Why do we nod off when we read our Bible?

The majority of Christians have times where they struggle to stay awake when they are reading their Bible. Some believe that it is a spiritual attack from the devil or his demons. After all, he is not going to be happy if we read the word of God and develop qualities like our faith, endurance, joy, and a clearer revelation of Jesus Christ. The stronger that we grow in these things, the harder it is for us to be deceived and drawn away from God………..

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Biblical Healing

A lot of Christians believe that when they pray for someone who is sick, the Lord will automatically heal them. The basis of this is taken from the words spoken by Jesus found in Mark 16:17-18 –…………………

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The Trinity

Often when we talk about the second member of the Godhead, we refer to Him simply as Jesus. In doing this we possibly think of Him as a big brother which is referred to in Scripture…………………

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Anyone Who Believes Will Not Perish.

At the end of World War Two on October 18, 1945, the chief prosecutors of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) came together in Nuremberg, Germany. Their job was to bring charges against 24 leading German officials who had worked directly with Hitler in the Third Reich, and who were responsible for the authorisation of some of the most horrific crimes against humanity………….

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How Can I be Assured of My Salvation?

There will come a time for a lot of Christians when for one reason or another they start to question whether they are really saved or not. It may be that the Christian journey feels dead, or seems just to be a set of rules to be followed. Keeping to these rules is just hard work, and we may feel that we do not measure up anyway……….

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