Without a Vision the People Perish

He leads me …

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We all need to be part of something bigger than ourselves. For some it is our job where we are contributing to provide goods or services for others enjoyment or benefit. For others it will be as part of a mission group reaching out help others and see souls saved. For others it is contributing to the life of the home so that there is a comfortable and secure environment for the family.

When we have roles like this, we have purpose and satisfaction which we would not have if we just went from day to day aimlessly.

However, we have so much more purpose and satisfaction when we are open to God and are looking for ways that He can use us.

Being fulfilled when we are part of what the Lord is doing can be exciting and humbling at the same time. Exciting to see how the Lord does extraordinary things, and humbling to know that Almighty God allows us to be a part of the experience.

As Christians, every day can have an excitement and an expectation. Maybe He will arrange for someone to meet us who will either be open to something we do or say. Or alternatively He have someone do or say something that ministers to us.

The opportunities and blessings can be incredible when we see our roles like this.

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