Knowing the Bible

He leads me …

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Reading the Bible is so important. Not just because it is God’s Word to us and it speaks to us, but because over time we should get to know it. Then when people say something that sounds like a quote from the Bible, we will know whether it is or not. If their quote is accurate we are more likely to consider what they say, than if it is not.

Sadly there are those who misquote or put a different meaning on a section of Scripture to give authority to their argument. At first glance it seems credible to the listeners who then accept false teaching as though it were the truth.

If we know the Word, we can assess the situation. Depending on the size of the error, we might be able to start working out whether the mistake was intentional or not.

Maybe the person did it unknowingly? Maybe the person was just lazy in their research? Or is there a reason for the false teaching?  When we have had a chance to evaluate the likely situation, then we are in a better position to respond appropriately.

But if we do not know our Bible, how do we know when we are being told Biblical truth? We could be told something that sounds like it is right, but is in fact wrong. Just like the serpent did with Eve in the Garden of Eden.

In life we have all sorts of contracts and agreements for when we buy a car or a house, or get married. We have rules and regulations for all kinds of things. When there is a question about anything in those documents we look at what it actually says, not what we think it says.

We have to remember the Road Code so that when we drive we do not damage ourselves or others. How much more important is it therefore to know God’s Word, which is our handbook for life as well as our relationship with Him?

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