Lord of the Breakthrough

He leads me …

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We know the Lord as Jehovah Jireh, our Saviour, our Redeemer, and other names as well, but what about Lord of the Breakthrough?

He can provide breakthroughs that are big, small and everything in between. It does not matter whether we are struggling to get the wording correct with an email, or if it is a major business deal that is about to be decided. The Lord is with us and is just as interested in the small things as He is in the big things.

Yes, the small stuff really matters to God.[1] It is in the little things that the real person shows through. They say, ‘It is just a small detail. Nobody will notice if I leave it out.’ Or, ‘The boss has gone home early. I might as well go home too.’ Or, ‘If I just take that little bit. No one will miss it.’ You can see whether a person has any integrity or not.

As Lord of the Breakthrough He is the God of love with action, whether it is big or small. It may be that we are looking for a ministry. The Lord may lead us into an existing one, or He may lead us into a new one that uses our gifts and developed skills to meet the needs of others while glorifying Him.

Alternatively the Lord may not lead us into a structured ministry at all. The Lord may simply want to use us as we are – wherever we are. It could be at work, playing sport, at the supermarket, in the library - just about anywhere. In this case we just need to be open to His prompting.

We will know when He wants us to say something to someone. We will feel it. And often the Lord will give us the words to say to get the conversation going. Sometimes could be a compliment along the lines of, ‘Oh excuse me. I couldn’t help noticing the amazing … that you are wearing. It really suits you. Where did you get it?’ Other times the Lord may give us something to say about the situation that the person is in at the time. It can vary.

The key to whatever we are doing is being open to the Lord. He is gentle and loving and will never force us to do anything, but when we do whatever He says we often see interesting results.

The main breakthrough for a lot of us is the moment that we were saved. We had either runout of excuses or the Lord had allowed our life to fall apart to such an extent that we had nowhere else to go. In either case we finally saw sense, and allowed Him to break through and become the Lord of our life. Hallelujah.

[1] Jesus said in Luke 16:10 - “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” (NLT)

In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus responds to the men who doubled their portions in Matthew 25:21, 23 with, ‘“The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’ (NLT)

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