God’s Army  

He leads me …

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God’s army is all about people helping people.

Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second most important is similar: ‘Love your neighbour as much as you love yourself.’ All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets stem from these two laws and are fulfilled if you obey them. “ Matthew 22:37-40 (TLB)

People matter.

God’s army is already inhabiting aid organisations of all kinds worldwide and is making a difference for Him. The army is also in positions of power in government and business where decisions are being made that affect the funding and the aid for the less fortunate.

But it is not just about aid to the less fortunate. God’s army is involved in scientific development, like The American Association for the Advancement of Science which is the world's largest general scientific society and the publisher of the prominent peer-reviewed science. AAAS also encompasses the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion. DoSER’s role is to facilitate communication between scientific and religious communities. There are inroads in the area of the environment too, with groups like A Rocha which is a Christian organization engaging communities in nature conservation.

In fact, in just about any human endeavour you can think of, it is likely that there will be Christians involved to some extent. God has His mission to save souls, disciple the saints and prepare for Christ’s return, and His people are in place.

The more that the body of Christ is able to tune into the Holy Spirit individually, the more effective the army will be to achieve the Lord’s mission and the greater the glory for God.

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