Gods Direction

He leads me …

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God is able to guide Christians in various ways. It might be by providing an internal influence known as a burden to do something, and it will not go away until the action is taken.  He may give us a feeling of peace at the end of a difficult decision or task to confirm that what we have done is right. Or He might use our conscience to indicate whether we should or should not do something.

Receiving this kind of direction should be what all Christians desire, but does God keep these things exclusively for Christians? Definitely not.

If we go back to the account of what happened in the Garden of Eden, we see that the Lord was walking in the cool of the evening looking for Adam and Eve. Why? To catch up and hear how their day had gone. They had a personal relationship with God and that is what He has wanted with all people not just a particular group.

If a non-Christian can be shown that their burden to see someone, who they later found had a month to live, or the source of their great idea is actually God, perhaps they will open up to Him and develop a relationship with Him. This could then lead to them letting our amazing God be Lord of their life.

For non-Christians, life can have some amazing coincidences. From a Christian point of view this may provide the opportunity to show that these coincidences are in fact the hand of God working in the unbeliever’s life, just as He does in the believer’s life. God gives us free will to make our own decisions, but He still intervenes occasionally to help as He sees necessary.

From this starting point the Christian can then illustrate how this shows the love of God and then they are able to move gently through to the message of salvation.

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