Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord (Isaiah 1:18)

The background to this statement from the Lord was that the people of Judah had committed a long list of sins against Him (Isaiah 1:4-15). Their sacrifices were no longer pleasing to Him and He threatened to close His ears to their prayers (Isaiah 1:15). Yet, despite their actions, God wanted to have a conversation with His people. He gave them a list of things they could do to please Him (Isaiah 1:16-17) and offered an invitation, ‘Let us reason together’............………….

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How to Pray Through a Crisis or Dilemma

To ‘pray through’ is usually when we pray regularly until we break through and get an answer to our prayer. This usually means that we pray more than just one prayer and then expect an immediate result. What we actually do is to keep praying repeatedly until either we get a feeling of peace that an answer is going to happen, or we get a response to what we are looking for............………….

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Foetuses Are Aware of Their Surroundings

In her biography Straight Up Ruby Tui, who has represented New Zealand women in both 15 a side and seven a side rugby union, talks about the song ’You are my sunshine’. As a young girl it seemed strangely familiar. As she put it, ‘I didn’t know the song, but I knew the song’............………….

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A Woman’s Role in Church Leadership

It was reported in March 2023 that the former Saddleback Church pastor and founder Rick Warren, recently said that there are three passages of scripture that have enabled him to see that there is a biblical directive to enable women to lead a church as a pastor. However,........………….

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What Lessons That We Can Learn from Caleb?

Remember Joshua and Caleb, the two spies of the promised land who had a good report of what they saw, while the other ten spies were scared and could not see any way that the land could be captured? There are some good accounts of Joshua who led the people into the Promised Land after Moses died, but we do not read much about Caleb. What we do see, however, provides us with some interesting insights........………….

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The Gospel: The Power of God Unto Salvation

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek (Romans 1:16 NKJV)

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. (Romans 1:16 NLT)

The first version of Romans 1:16 above is probably the one that most Christians are familiar with, but the second version may be a little easier to understand........………….

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Was Jesus Created?  

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (Colossians 1:15 NIV)

But when God brought His first-born Son, Jesus, into the world, He said, “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” (Hebrews 1:6 NLV)

For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8:29 NLT)........………….

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What Does Psalm 23 Really Mean? (Part Two)

We now look at the continuation of verse 4 and on to verse 6 of Psalm 23.

I will not be afraid [fear no evil], because you are with me. The presence of his Shepherd enabled David to overcame any fear of evil. Regardless of his circumstances, David could accept the Shepherd’s presence and know absolutely, ‘You are with me’, and because of that, ‘I will not be afraid [fear no evil].’[1]........………….

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What Does Psalm 23 Really Mean? (Part One)

Psalm 23 is recognised by Christians and non-Christians alike. It is usually read at funerals because it is seen as a psalm of comfort. For many of us also provides hope, assurance and guidance.

Let us take a deeper look at this wonderful psalm for its greater meaning, and how it reveals the unconditional love that God has for all believers, by meeting their needs in the good, and not so good times.........………….

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What Is the Significance of Blood in the Bible?

The shedding of blood as part of an animal sacrifice is something many modern Bible readers do not think much about. Our general understanding of animal sacrifices come from all sorts of sources, and many are not biblical. We may have read about pagan practices in the Greek temples through to modern day examples,........………….

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What Keeps People From Reading the Bible?

In a previous blog we looked at why we nod off when we read the Bible, but there are other issues to consider as well.

Jen Wilkin is a Bible teacher and the author of several books. Her passion is to see Christians have a clear understanding of what they believe in the Bible, so that they can be clear communicators about what it says, while also being committed followers of Christ........………….

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