More of God

He leads me …

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As we develop our relationship with the Lord, we extend our regular quiet time because we become more aware of Him in our day and want to include Him more in what we do.

When we start off there will be times when we pray for a car park in the right place because it is pouring with rain, or we pray for help with a job interview or sitting an exam. There will also be times when we acknowledge Him in His creation – like the sunrise – or the dew drops on a spider web – or some peaceful place in an area of native bush.

But is that it? Is that the extent of the Christian walk?

If we keep looking to the Lord, we become more aware. It is not about praying that He does more for us. We soon see that it is all about Him and that He does not change. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). We are the ones who have to change - to be more Christ like.

We become aware of His still small voice that cuts across our own thinking. The Lord may try to direct us with gentle prompts, like an ongoing burden to contact someone, or the direction that comes when two totally different people tell us the same thing. Over time we get used to these things happening and are open to them whenever they occur.

Then life really gets exciting!

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