The Love of God

He leads me …

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I was feeling a bit down during a time when I had been meeting with a group of people regularly. I was trying to encourage them but I was getting little feedback. This made it very hard to interact with them and I found it quite tiring. They enjoyed our times together, but it was basically one sided.

I took it to God. He showed me that He understands completely. He gave me a vision of His Spirit at the end of the bed of a man who had just died.

The Lord said, ‘Oh Brian, I was there for you and I loved you. Remember when you were a little boy and you got that awesome toy truck at Christmas? Your Dad received a bonus at work that paid for that. I arranged that Brian.

Remember when you were in the car accident, and you just missed the power pole that would have killed you? I saved you Brian.

And Helen, dear Helen, your wife. She was one of the best things that happened to you. Yes, I bought you two together.

But Brian, the only time that you mentioned Me was when you were really frustrated or angry, however I still love you unconditionally.

Brian, you had so much potential to do so much good for others, but you got involved in what benefitted you. Helen has remained faithful as we knew she would, and due to her, the children are doing well. But sadly you missed your potential.

Remember …’

I then realised that anything that I felt was nothing compared to how God has been treated in His dealings with mankind over thousands of years. Yet despite this He still sent Jesus to die on a cross so that we could have a relationship with Him by faith. What an amazing, awesome and loving God.

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