Does the Bible Say Christians Should Be Communists?

He leads me …

With what we read in the media about counties like China, Russia and Northern Korea why would anyone think that Christians and communists are similar? For some people the answer would be, “Well it’s in the Bible”.

This is probably enough to make us think about a couple of well know passages in Acts 2 and Acts 4 –

And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. (Acts 2:44-45 NASB)

And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need. (Acts 4:32-35 NASB)

Initially it looks like whatever was owned by individual Christians was sold and the money was given into a fund administered by the apostles for the benefit of those who had need. Is this how all Christians should live? Let us break it down a bit and work out what is actually happening.

1.     The verses above are referring to a ‘one off’ event where aid was required.

Thousands of people had become Christians after Pentecost when Peter had been preaching. They were all in and around Jerusalem and had not intended on being there for any length of time. So those Christians who had resources provided for those who had needs. WE can see from this that a large number of people needed help on this one occasion. This is not meant to be a principle that Christians must follow at all times.

2. The description of communal sharing to help those in need is a biblical account of what happened, not a commandment.

So what does the Bible actually tell us to do? There is nothing in the Word that tells us to live in a communist based system. So the action of the Christian community in Acts 2 and 4 should be simply read as an account of what happened at that time.

3. Other biblical teachings are the opposite of these accounts in Acts 2 and 4.

Remember Christ’s teaching of the parable of the talents, where one person gets five talents, another person gets two and a third person gets one. Jesus did not have any problems with some getting more than others.

Think too of Paul who worked as a tentmaker to cover his costs while he served the church. Working for a living was not a problem for him.

4. Christians are called to pursue economic justice, not economic equality.

Economic justice is where there is potential for each person to develop enough possessions to provide a respectable, and fruitful life. God is not really concerned with how much money we have. If we have become rich because we have worked diligently for it, or because the Lord has provided in some other way, then there is nothing wrong with that. But if we are rich because we have been dishonest or have caused some other offence, then in the eyes if God it is wrong.[1]

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, ‘You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”’ (NLT)

The Bible has many references to helping the poor, being generous with what we have, and looking out for those who are struggling. When we respond to other people’s needs with cheerful hearts and with the proper attitude, it is pleasing to the Lord. What He does not like is people giving because they have to, because this is not giving out of love and will not create any value in the spiritual sense.[2]

Maybe we are poor because have chosen to live in self-denial, to be able to minister to the poor, or because we are saving towards a big purchase, so we want to keep our costs to a minimum. The Lord completely understands this. However, if we are poor because of what others have done to us, God sees this as wrong. He is not worried so much about the amount we have, as He is about how we got it and what we are doing with it.[3]

In September 1962 Martin Luther King Jr said that communism is the only serious rival of Christianity.[4] The other significant religions of the world such as Judaism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism are alternatives to Christianity, but the most formidable competitor facing Christianity is communism. Anyone who understands the realities of modern life decades after these words from Dr King can see that communism is Christianity's biggest enemy.

How, then, does communism conflict with Christianity? Because communism is openly secular and materialistic and it leaves out God and Jesus Christ. The great philosopher of communism, Karl Marx, based his total philosophy on all of human history being driven by economic forces. There is nothing in that allows for God, which means that true communists are therefore atheists. The Russian government has been against religion, God and belief in God, ever since the revolution in 1917.

Christians believe that history is not driven by economic forces, but by spiritual forces. We believe that there is a God in this universe, who loves all people, and who works through history for the salvation of everyone. Consequently, we cannot accept communism.

Also, we cannot accept communism because its methods are opposed to Christianity. Lenin, the man who put the philosophy of Karl Marx into action, once said, ‘We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, and lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth.’[5] These instructions are a matter of history. For communism, the end justifies the means.[6]

Can Christians be communists? Clearly the answer is ‘No!’


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[1] Does the Bible Say Christians Should Be Communists? David W. Jones, The Center for Faith and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary;

[2] Does the Bible support Communism?;

[3] Does the Bible Say Christians Should Be Communists? David W. Jones, The Center for Faith and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary;

[4] Robert J. McCracken, Questions People Ask, p. 164: “No one in touch with the realities of the contemporary situation will deny that in the crisis confronting civilization Christianity's most formidable competitor and only serious rival is Communism.”

[5] McCracken, Questions People Ask, pp. 168-169: “‘We must be ready,’ wrote Lenin, ‘to employ trickery, deceit, lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth.’”

[6] "Can A Christian Be a Communist?" Sermon Delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta Georgia, Martin Luther King, Jr. September 30, 1962;,make%20them%20lie%20down%20together.

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