Taste and See That the Lord Is Good

In Psalm 34:8, ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’ is an invitation from David to take God at His word, to trust in the Lord and experience His goodness for ourselves, and to know Him personally, realizing that He loves us more than we can believe. The invitation is ours to receive personally, but it is also ours to extend to others. Basically, David is saying, ‘Try it; you’ll like it.’ David is inviting us to experience what he has discovered: the goodness of God’s salvation.…….

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Facing the End of Life (Part Four)

n Part One of this series of four, we looked at some of the things required in planning for the end-of-life care. In Part Two we looked at the options for a person once they have died. And in the third part we looked at what happens to the deceased after they have either been buried or cremated. In this Part Four we look at what happens to believers who go to Heaven and unbelievers to go to Hell. As we saw in the previous blog the Bible says that there are no other options.

Christians know that once they die there are some major events that occur. The first is that the bodies of all the dead generally go into the ground or will be created. In some cases, the body will be buried at sea…….

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Facing the End of Life (Part Three)

n Part One of this series of three, we looked at some of the things required in planning for the end-of-life care. In Part Two we looked at the options for a person once they have died. In this third part we look at what happens to the deceased after they have either been buried or cremated.

Christians know that there are some major events that occur after they die. The first is that the bodies of all the dead generally go into the ground or in some cases the sea. The souls of the righteous go to Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8 and Philippians 1:23), and the souls of the ungodly go to Hades, translated as ‘Hell’ (Revelation 20:13)...........………….

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Facing the End of Life (Part Two)

In the previous blog we looked at what is involved in preparing for end-of-life care. In this blog we will look at what is available for a person once they have died. Do they want to be buried or cremated? If they wish to be cremated, do they want the ashes cast out over the sea or a lake, or do they want them to be dug into the ground under a memorial tree? This would appear to be reasonably straight forward, but there are a lot of options that go with this which should be considered as well...........………….

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Facing the End of Life (Part One)

Death comes to all of us, yet how many of us are prepared for it? If we were asked what the process of death involved, how would we answer?  We would think about making a will, and perhaps about the type of send-off service that we would like, but we would probably not have thought about any other aspects much at all..........………….

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Jesus Writes in the Dust

We should be familiar with the story of the woman who had been caught in adultery and was bought to Jesus to see how He would judge her.

During this story Jesus bends over and writes in the dust with His finger. Have we ever wondered what Jesus was writing? It must have been significant because when those around Jesus saw what was written they quietly went away, starting with the eldest, and there is no account of what was printed in the dust.............………….

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The Father of All Mercies and God of All Comfort

These titles of God the Father are not common, so they require some investigation to help us better understand who our Heavenly Father is. The Biblical reference is 2 Corinthians 1:3–5 -  

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too (ESV)............………….

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Why Did Jesus Command Others to Be Silent About Him?

When we read through the Gospels, we see that on several occasions Jesus tells those who He was ministering to, to be quiet about Him. Our likely response is to be along the lines of, ‘Hold on, Jesus has a public ministry where He taught and undertook miracles, and He wanted the news about what He is doing to be kept quiet? It was not going to happen. He was so different to anyone else that it would be inevitable that the word would spread, because people would want to see and hear what He is doing and saying.’............………….

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Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

In Matthew 21:18-20 TLB we read - 

In the morning, as [Jesus] was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry and noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves. Then he said to it, “Never bear fruit again!” And soon the fig tree withered up.

The disciples were utterly amazed and asked, “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?”...........………….

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Did God Communicate with the Gentiles?

How do we pray for our unsaved family and friends? The obvious answer is that we pray for their salvation. But what about the rest of their lives? We have no problems praying for our Christian family and friends in terms of their lives generally, but what about those who are not Christians? The Bible addresses God’s dealings with the Jews and then the Christians, but there is not a lot about how He interacts with those who are neither Jew nor Christian............………….

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The Use of the Words Belial and Raca in the Bible

There are some words in the Bible that remain in their original form and have never been translated into an English equivalent.

Hallelujah is one example that means ‘praise Yah/Jehovah’. It is translated in the KJV version of the Bible as ‘praise (ye) the LORD’ because English Bibles substitute ‘the LORD’ for the name Jehovah/Yahweh. For example, Psalm 106:48 reads, ‘And let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD [hale˘lû-y≤h].’............………….

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“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) (Matthew 27:46 NIV)

These words that Jesus cried out as He was hanging on the Cross have caused confusion and discussion among many Christians who have tried to make sense of this verse............………….

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Blog 173 What is the Judgement of God?

To understand God’s judgment in a Christians life, we should look first at how an unbeliever thinks. 

A natural person thinks that they can make right choices, but they do not realize that they do not have all truth. They judge their neighbour according to outward signs like how they have been treated, wealth, social behavior, health, intellect, influence, style, background, and beauty. As a result, the natural minded person criticizes others without realizing that they are guilty of the same things that they judge others of.[1]...........………….

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Praying Using the Promises of God

God’s promises are either a spoken or a written commitment. A promise reveals a truth that will benefit us. It either declares God’s will concerning the good that He will bless us with, or the evil He will take away from us. The Bible contains 7,147 promises, according to Herbert Lockyer in his book, All the Promises of the Bible.[1]  ...........………….

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