FROG Fully Reliant on God

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God’s Relationship with Mankind

He leads me …

Romans 1:20 -21 says –

Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day.

 Yes, they knew about him all right, but they wouldn’t admit it or worship him or even thank him for all his daily care. And after a while they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what he wanted them to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused. (TLB)

 Are what people call coincidences really an act of God?

 Esther and Paul Grachan had just started seeing each other when Paul decided to ask her to be his girlfriend. That day, while paying for a sandwich, he noticed that a dollar bill he was about to hand the cashier had the name “Esther” written on it in pencil. He thought that it was a strange thing to happen just when he was thinking about their relationship. He kept the bill and decided to frame it and give it to Esther as a gift. She was speechless when she saw it, but told him to ask her about it later.

 Years passed, they got engaged and then married, and eventually the framed dollar resurfaced in their home. Esther explained that she had written her name on the dollar along with a few others after a breakup, saying to herself that she would marry the man that brought one back to her. She didn’t tell Paul why she was so speechless when she first saw the dollar because she thought bringing up marriage so soon in the relationship would scare him off. But she believed in that moment he was “the one.”[1]

 This couple must be Christians, right? Not necessarily. It turns out that Christians and non-Christians share many of these kinds of experiences.

 The Lord communicates with all people in various ways. A person does not have to be a Christian to have someone say something that cuts straight to the heart, or say something that relates to an event that no one else knows about. A person does not have to be a Christian to receive an inward prompt to do something that will avoid an accident, or be special for another person.

 Also, everyone has a conscience - which goes back to Adam and Eve eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden.[2] This means that we all have an internal way of knowing when we are right or wrong. God can use this to bring conviction when necessary too.

 God wants an ongoing relationship with all people, and the evidence is there if we care to see it. All anyone has to do is respond to Him and remain open and obedient to Him and the resulting experience will surpass anything that they can imagine.

[1] Retrieved from  40 Amazing Coincidences You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

[2] Genesis 2:9 (TLB) reads - The Lord God planted all sorts of beautiful trees there in the garden, trees producing the choicest of fruit. At the center of the garden he placed the Tree of Life, and also the Tree of Conscience, giving knowledge of Good and Bad.