FROG Fully Reliant on God

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Welcome to the FROG blog. 

He leads me …

The Christian life is an interesting one and my aim is to talk about some of these experiences. We will sometimes look at things that we can learn from, and there will be times when it will be a general look at life. I trust that there will be something to think about which will applicable to your Christian life.

 Being a Christian

I think that most of us are well aware that people who know that we are Christians are watching our actions and evaluating them to see if we really are the real deal. Does it put pressure on what we do during our day? Yes and no. In one way, yes it does. It does in a positive way because it helps to hold us in check if we begin to think that we might get away with something. Experience tells us that just when we thought we had got away with something – we got caught and the hassle of having to face the people who we had wronged and then to put things right was just not worth it.

On the other hand there is no pressure as Christians. Our personal standards now are such that we do not see the point of doing something which does not provide any long term benefit to others. Therefore we are most likely to be doing the right thing anyway.

We know that we are on a life long journey. For Christians the process is known a sanctification. God allows both good and bad circumstances to be used to make us better people, and He helps us progressively through the process. Overall we should be able to see that we are making steady improvement. This then gives us the confidence that when we make a mistake, the Lord will be there to help us put things right.  Even if we make the same mistake over and over. With His help we will get there and then that will be another lesson learnt.