FROG Fully Reliant on God

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Sunday Worship

He leads me …

 For over 30 years I have mainly been attending Pentecostal churches, and have always understood that the music in the service went in a progression.

When the music started, we had what is what we called the gate songs where people clapped hands and generally engaged with the music. The music then moved into a more general style, and from there into worship songs. Finally there would be chord progressions to lift the congregation into worship in their own way to the Lord.

For me, recently that all changed. I was singing along as usual and when we got to the song before the message, I could not read the words on the screen properly. I was crying in worship to the Lord.

There was no need for the chord progressions that I had thought were part of most Pentecostal church services. Instead it was all about my heart condition towards God.

For so long I had thought that it was the musicians’ job to get the congregation into the right place of worship. I was wrong. It is over to each one of us in the church to reach out to God in our own way in worship.