FROG Fully Reliant on God

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God’s Relationships

He leads me …

God is able to guide Christians in various ways, like providing a burden to do something that will not go away until it is done. Alternatively He may give us a feeling of peace at the end of a difficult decision or pursuit, confirming that what we have done is right. Or He might use our conscience to indicate whether we should or should not do something.

This should be standard for a Christian, but does God keep these things exclusively for Christians? Definitely not. The sorts of experiences that we have just covered are experienced by a lot of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

If we go back to the account of what happened in the Garden of Eden we see that the Lord was walking in the Garden in the cool of the day looking for Adam and Eve. Why? To catch up with them and talk about what they had been doing. In the account in Genesis, we read that God knew something was wrong because Adam and Eve were hiding.

At that point God had an open relationship with Adam and Eve and there were no conditions in how the relationship should be maintained. Adam and Eve did not have to have a quiet time in the morning, or have a worship service once a week. God was with them all the time, and He wants an open relationship with all people all the time. He was not saving this time together for an exclusive group.

Maybe non-Christians can be shown that their burden to see someone, and it just happened to be a week before they died, is actually from God. And so is that the source of their ‘light bulb moments’ and the ongoing ‘coincidences’ in their life.   Then perhaps they will open up to Him and as a result develop a relationship with Him, and let Him be Lord of their life?