FROG Fully Reliant on God

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Our Relationship with the Lord

He leads me …

Some Christians think that God allocates Himself to just certain parts of their lives. Generally they are the big things like when a relationship breaks down, or when someone special loses a job. Or it may be a serious health problem.

There will be other times when Christians are just totally frustrated about an issue and want an answer, so they call on the Lord for help. And of course God is included in a Christians quiet times and when they say grace before a meal.

But surely the Lord is part of everything that we do? Of course. He is there for us 24/7. Although He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords we do not have to make an appointment like we do to see a lawyer or accountant to talk to Him. We can call on Him at any time and He will listen and respond as appropriate for the situation.

He is there for us, so are we there for Him?

If we are open to the Lord during the day, our world view changes. We see that the coincidences that happen around us are actually God taking care of some of the details in our lives. When He does this, He shows us that He is active in what we are doing, and that He loves us in practical ways.

As we become more aware of how the Lord works in our lives, our understanding of His methods improves, and we enjoy the new depth of relationship that we have with Him.

We find that we pray to God at different times during the day thanking Him for what He has done and what He is doing. We look forward to the new day because the Lord will be doing new things, and whatever He asks us to do will be without any pressure, and with love.

What more could we ask for?