FROG Fully Reliant on God

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Christian Calling

He leads me …

As Christians, many of us want to know what God has called us to be. Some of us will go off to Bible College to gain a qualification for a recognised ministry such as a pastor/minister or for some kind of mission work.

It has been said that many of those who go through Bible College will not end up in ministry. So what will they do? Clearly a lot of them will end up in secular employment.

Because so many Christians have no idea of what they are called to do, they do a study on Spiritual Gifts to determine how their strengths and weaknesses align with the listed gifts in the Bible.

This provides the answer for a good number of people, but not everyone. For example, you will not find the gift of music listed in the Bible. But clearly any study of the Bible will soon highlight the importance of music in worship, celebrations, battle, work, weddings, funerals and amongst the prophets.

Any Christian singing in worship at church knows that it takes a musician with a musical gift to be able to inspire the music in such a way that all the congregation wants to do is glorify God.

And the person who arranges the flowers at the church for the services each Sunday has a gift to do it in a way that gives people a lift when they walk into the church. Yet this gift is not listed in the Bible either.

God calls us to be available. He will use us as we are. This means that by just being ourselves we bless others and yet often we do not see it happening. The closer we get to Him, the more of Him will shine through to others. It has to.

As we get closer to the Lord, the more He is able to gently help us deal with the issues in our lives too. So, despite what is happening to us, the closer we are to God, the more of Him that can be seen by the way the issues are faced.

So even if we do not have a gift listed in the Bible, God will still have a call for us – using us as we are. We just need to be true to ourselves, true to Him, and let Him have His way.

It is not hard, and wow are the results amazing!