FROG Fully Reliant on God

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Why do we nod off when we read our Bible?

He leads me …

The majority of Christians have times where they struggle to stay awake when they are reading their Bible. Some believe that it is a spiritual attack from the devil or his demons. After all, he is not going to be happy if we read the word of God and develop qualities like our faith, endurance, joy, and a clearer revelation of Jesus Christ. The stronger that we grow in these things, the harder it is for us to be deceived and drawn away from God.[1]

Some of us may find that we cannot read the Bible properly. The words can be read several times and not sink in, and/or we just start to fall to sleep. Assuming that we can read other things without the same problems, a spiritual battle may be necessary to provide a breakthrough. If this is the case, then having a talk to an experienced Christian about the situation may help provide the best way to improve the ability to read the Bible and gain insight from it.

It maybe something as simple as committing the time to the Lord in prayer before opening the Bible.

For most Christians we do not need to get into spiritual warfare to be able to read the Word. If we read the first chapter of Job we see that the devil can only do to us what the Lord allows him to do. Also, if we are tempted, the Lord often provides a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13), and if we do go through trials, He gives us the strength to endure them (see what Paul went through in his ministry in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27).

God will never leave us or abandon us (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8; Joshua 1:5; 1 Chronicles 28:20), and Paul said in Philippians 1:6, ‘And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished.’

God is with us all the time and will do what He can so that we do not surrender to the devil or his plans. In the end though if we make a choice to do bad things we have to be accountable for our actions.

So let us apply some common sense and look at some things that we can do so that we can read our Bible without dozing off to sleep.

1.     It is a good idea to ask God for His help when we Read His Word. Paul prayed that the Ephesian’s hearts would be flooded with light.

a.     We could pray that when we read the Bible, it is like a light bulb goes off in our heart.     

b.     We could pray too that we see things in the Word that we have never seen before and that become real to us.

c.     We can pray that we are looking for more than information because we want the Word to have a real impact on our lives. The Bible is applicable to situations we go through on a daily basis (Hebrews 4:12). If we have a pad and a pen beside us when we read, we can write down any verses that stand out to us. Then we can investigate them further and pray about them later on.

d.     If we get God involved, our Bible reading can be a really rewarding experience.

2.     Before we start reading the Bible, we should find a place to read that is comfortable, but not too comfortable, otherwise it will be too easy to go to sleep.

3.     It would help if the room temperature is not too hot. Reading in an environment that is too warm can make us sleepy quite quickly.

4.     If we are already feeling tired, we could do some light exercise, have a caffeinated drink, or take a cool shower before we settle down to read.

5.     We should have a Bible version that is able to give us the best understanding of what we are reading. Some folk have been bought up with reading a King James Version which they like, while others might find the NIV or another more recent selection easier to read. Others who want to understand the full meaning of what they are reading may prefer the Amplified Bible.

6.     If we are starting a Bible reading routine, we could start by reading a few verses a day and progressively read a few more every few days until we are reading a full chapter at a time. Then if time allows we can build up to two or more chapters as the occasions allow.

7.     Maybe we do not have to read the Bible. If reading the Bible is genuinely hard work, we could start off by reading a good book about events or people in the Bible. Our Bible study time does not have to be restricted to just reading the Bible.

8.     Devotional books are another great way to help guide our understanding of God’s Word. There are literally thousands of amazing, divinely inspired daily devotionals available through churches and book shops. There are also daily devotional apps as well as blogs and emails available online as well. While devotionals are obviously not the same as reading the Bible, they do help provide a thoughtful application for the scripture they are addressing. This is helpful for someone starting out with Bible reading, but should not be where the believer stays. At some stage, if they are going to progress on to a deeper relationship with the Lord, they should actually read the Bible and see how He directs them rather than rely on what someone else has to say.

9.     If we are not a great reader, or fall asleep too easily when we do read, we can find a Bible we can listen to going to and from work. Then there is all sorts of Biblical teaching on YouTube and podcasts that might appeal. However, we may need to be prepared to do a bit of experimenting to find what format works best for our personal circumstances.

10.  While it may seem really obvious to find a quiet place to read the Bible, it is amazing how many people read their Bibles with the TV on, while playing iPhone games, or while friends or family are wanting our attention. While these situations may work for some people, they make it nearly impossible to really read the Scriptures and clearly hear what God is trying to tell us.[2]

The Bible is both fascinating and daunting. It can be difficult at first to get much out of it, but if we keep reading the Word we will become more and more familiar with it.

The Bible is a Christian’s handbook showing how to live a respectable life that honours God. If we do not keep reading it how do we know what is expected of us, and how to do it the right way?


Dear Reader – If you have found some value in this blog, please feel free to send a copy on to your family and friends. Kind regards, John

[1] Falling asleep when reading the Bible? Get Ready For Christ!

[2] Why Does Reading Make You Sleepy? Wonderopolis, National Center for Families Learning;

How To Read The Bible And Not Fall Asleep, Student Devos;

5 Mistakes People Make When Reading the Bible, Mike Query, Relevant Magazine;